
Viagra kapseln

Viagra kapseln

Sie bezahlen Ihr Medikament.

1. Behandlungsanfrage Klicken Sie auf „Rezept anfordern“ und beantworten Sie einige einfache Fragen zu Ihrer Gesundheit. Danach können Sie Ihr bevorzugtes Medikament auswählen.

2. Ärztliche Diagnose Sobald Sie Ihre Behandlungsanfrage gestellt haben, ermittelt einer unserer Ärzte anhand Ihrer Angaben, ob das angefragte Medikament für Sie sinnvoll ist.

3. Ihr Rezept Sofern aus medizinischer Sicht nichts gegen eine Online-Verschreibung spricht, stellt Ihnen der behandelnde Arzt ein Privatrezept für Ihr Medikament aus.

4. Medikament erhalten Lieferung bis an die Haustür mit Standard- oder Expressversand. Alternativ können Sie Ihr Medikament noch am gleichen Werktag bei einer Apotheke vor Ort abholen.

Informationen über Viagra®

Was ist Viagra® und wofür wird es angewendet?

Viagra® ist ein verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament zur Behandlung von Erektionsstörungen (erektile Dysfunktion) bei erwachsenen Männern . Es enthält den Wirkstoff Sildenafil und gehört zur Gruppe der PDE-5-Hemmer.

Wie genau wirkt Viagra® erektionsfördernd?

Die erektionsfördernde Wirkung von Viagra® beruht auf der Hemmung des Enzyms Phosphodiesterase-5 (kurz: PDE-5) .

Die männliche Erektion wird von verschiedenen körpereigenen Substanzen beeinflusst. Der Botenstoff cGMP ist maßgeblich an der Entstehung von Erektionen beteiligt. Er entspannt die Blutgefäße im Penis, wodurch mehr Blut in die Schwellkörper strömen kann. Je mehr cGMP zur Verfügung steht, desto dauerhafter und härter ist die Erektion.

Das Enzym PDE-5 hingegen spielt während der Entspannungsphase eine Rolle. Es baut erektionsfördernde cGMP-Moleküle ab und führt so zu einer Erschlaffung des Penis.

Durch die Einnahme von PDE-5-Hemmern wird der Abbau von cGMP vermindert, wodurch eine Erektion verstärkt und über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg erhalten werden kann.

Wie lange dauert es, bis Viagra® wirkt?

Die Wirkung von Viagra® setzt nach circa 60 Minuten ein.

Viagra® kann sowohl vor als auch nach dem Essen eingenommen werden. Allerdings kann die Wirkung bei Einnahme mit einer besonders reichhaltigen Mahlzeit verzögert eintreten. Für einen schnellen Wirkeintritt sollten Sie also genügend Zeit (circa 2 Stunden) zwischen dem Verzehr einer Speise und der Einnahme von Viagra® vergehen lassen.

Welche Wirkungsdauer hat Viagra®?

Die Wirkung von Viagra® (Sildenafil) hält zwischen 4 und 5 Stunden an. Das Zeitfenster zwischen Tabletteneinnahme und Geschlechtsverkehr ist damit relativ klein.

Für Männer, die sich mehr Spontanität und Flexibilität beim Liebesspiel wünschen, bietet sich Cialis® (Wirkstoff Tadalafil) als Alternative an. Die Wirkung von Tadalafil kann bis zu 36 Stunden anhalten, weshalb die Anwendung nicht so eng auf den Zeitpunkt des Geschlechtsverkehrs abgestimmt sein muss. Cialis® wird im Volksmund daher auch gerne als „Wochenendpille“ bezeichnet.

Bitte beachten Sie: Die Einnahme von Viagra® oder anderen PDE-5-Hemmern führt nicht automatisch zu einer Erektion. Dafür ist eine zusätzliche sexuelle Stimulation notwendig (z.B. durch Vorspiel oder optische Reize).

Warum wirkt Viagra® nicht so lange wie andere Potenzmittel?

Die Wirkungsdauer der einzelnen PDE-5-Hemmer hängt davon ab, wie schnell der in ihnen enthaltene Wirkstoff vom Körper abgebaut (metabolisiert) werden kann. Verschiedene Wirkstoffe werden unterschiedlich schnell abgebaut, was zu Unterschieden in der Wirkdauer der einzelnen Produkte führt.

Die Wirkzeiten der verfügbaren PDE-5-Hemmer im Überblick:

Sildenafil (Viagra® und Sildenafil-Generika, also andere Medikamente mit dem Wirkstoff Sildenafil): wirkt ab 60 Minuten nach Einnahme und die Wirkung hält bis zu 5 Stunden an Tadalafil (Cialis® und Tadalafil-Generika): wirkt ab 30 Minuten nach Einnahme und die Wirkung hält bis zu 36 Stunden an Vardenafil (Levitra® und Vardenafil-Generika): wirkt ab 30 Minuten nach Einnahme und die Wirkung hält bis zu 4 Stunden an Avanafil (Spedra®): wirkt ab circa 30 Minuten nach Einnahme und die Wirkung hält bis zu 6 Stunden an.

Beeinflussen Faktoren wie Alter, Gesundheitszustand oder Ähnliches die Wirkung von Viagra®?

Ja, die Wirkung von Viagra® kann von gewissen Faktoren beeinflusst werden.

Das Alter hat allerdings keinen Effekt auf die Wirkung bei einem gesunden älteren Mann . Wenn Viagra® trotz sexueller Erregung nicht oder nur ungenügend stark wirkt, könnte dies mehrere Ursachen haben. So kann gegebenenfalls eine hormonelle Störung zu einer verringerten Wirkung führen. Viagra® wirkt bei Patienten, die unter Testosteronmangel leiden, oftmals nicht oder nicht stark genug.

Auch gewisse Grunderkrankungen wie Diabetes (Zuckerkrankheit) oder Atherosklerose (Arterienverkalkung) können die Wirkung von Viagra® abschwächen oder gar ganz aufheben.

Manchmal liegen einem fehlenden Effekt jedoch auch relativ banale Ursachen wie eine inkorrekte Anwendung zugrunde. Wird Viagra® beispielsweise zusammen mit einer sehr reichhaltigen und fettigen Mahlzeit eingenommen, tritt die Wirkung in der Regel verzögert und/oder abgeschwächt ein. Der gleichzeitige Konsum von Viagra® und Alkohol kann sich ebenfalls negativ auf die Erektionsfähigkeit auswirken. Alkohol vermindert die Fähigkeit des Gehirns, die für eine Erektion notwendigen Nervenimpulse auszusenden. Die Folge ist eine verminderte oder – bei starkem Alkoholkonsum – gänzlich verlorene Erektionsfähigkeit.

Generell gilt: Für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung muss die Ursache der Erektionsstörung vor Therapiebeginn abgeklärt werden . Die meisten möglichen Auslöser lassen sich gut mit Viagra® behandeln. In bestimmten Fällen – beispielsweise bei vorliegender Nervenschädigung im Beckenbereich – bleibt die Wirkung von Viagra® jedoch aus. Bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von Nitraten zur Behandlung von Herzerkrankungen ist sie unter Umständen mit gefährlichen Wechselwirkungen verbunden. Es ist daher wichtig, dass Ihr Arzt vor der Erstverschreibung eine körperliche Untersuchung durchführt und Ihre Krankengeschichte aufnimmt. Damit sichert er die Eignung und Unbedenklichkeit einer Therapie mit Viagra®.

Welche psychologische Wirkung hat Viagra®?

Viagra® kann durchaus eine positive psychologische Wirkung zeigen und Männern helfen, ihre Sexualität wieder erfolgreich auszuleben und dem nächsten Geschlechtsverkehr selbstbewusst entgegenzublicken.

Eine Behandlung mit Viagra® oder einem ähnlichen Potenzmittel, wie Cialis®, Levitra® oder Spedra®, kann helfen, gewisse mit dem Geschlechtsverkehr verbundene Blockaden und Ängste abzubauen . So kommt es durchaus vor, dass ein Patient das Potenzmittel nach mehreren positiven Erfahrungen absetzen und wieder spontan und ohne Unterstützung Sex haben kann.

Beruhigend zu wissen: Erektionsstörungen sind keine Ausnahme. Experten schätzen, dass etwa jeder 4. Mann unter 40 bereits Erfahrungen mit Erektionsstörungen gemacht hat. Dabei sind die Potenzprobleme bei jüngeren Männern oft nicht von Dauer.

Wie wirken Generika von Viagra®?

Generika wirken auf dieselbe Weise wie das entsprechende Originalpräparat. Läuft der Patentschutz eines Arzneimittels ab, so dürfen auch andere Unternehmen Medikamente mit demselben Wirkstoff herstellen und vertreiben. Im Falle von Viagra® handelt es sich dabei um den Wirkstoff Sildenafil. Als Kopien des Originalpräparates enthalten Viagra®-Generika also ebenfalls Sildenafil und entsprechen dem Original in Bezug auf Freisetzung, Verfügbarkeit und Aufnahme im Körper (sogenannte Bioäquivalenz). Die Generika von Viagra® haben somit die gleiche Wirkungsweise und Wirkungsdauer wie Viagra®.

Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Sildenafil-Generika und Viagra®?

Generika müssen zwar denselben Wirkstoff wie das Original enthalten, können sich jedoch in der Zusammensetzung der Hilfsstoffe davon unterscheiden. Hilfsstoffe geben einem Medikament Form und Farbe und sind darüber hinaus für Haltbarkeit, Stabilität, Geschmack und Verfügbarkeit eines Arzneimittels wichtig.

Obwohl Hilfsstoffe meist gut vertragen werden, können sie bei einer kleinen Anzahl von Patienten unerwünschte Wirkungen hervorrufen. So können Füllstoffe wie Lactose oder Mannitol bei empfindlichen Personen Magen-Darm-Störungen auslösen. Es kann also durchaus sein, dass Sie bestimmte Generika vielleicht nicht so gut vertragen wie das Original.

Ansonsten liegt der wohl größte Unterschied im Preis: Da Generika nicht völlig neu entwickelt werden müssen, sind sie deutlich günstiger als das Original. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier: Die bekanntesten Viagra®-Generika im Preisvergleich.

Für wen ist Viagra® geeignet?

Viagra® ist für Männer ab 18 Jahren geeignet, die von einer Erektionsstörung betroffen sind .

Wichtig: Man spricht erst von einer Erektionsstörung, wenn es über einen Zeitraum von mindestens 6 Monaten nicht möglich ist, eine für einen befriedigenden Geschlechtsverkehr ausreichende Erektion zu erzeugen und/oder aufrechtzuerhalten.

Wie wird Viagra® eingenommen?

Viagra® sollte ungefähr 60 Minuten vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr eingenommen werden.

Bitte beachten Sie: Wenn Sie das Medikament zusammen mit sehr fetthaltiger Nahrung einnehmen, kann der Wirkungseintritt – im Vergleich zur Anwendung auf nüchternen Magen – etwas verzögert und der Effekt abgeschwächt sein. Zudem sollten Sie grundsätzlich den übermäßigen Konsum von Alkohol zusammen mit Viagra® vermeiden. Alkohol kann einen negativen Effekt auf die Erektion haben und zudem die blutdrucksenkende Wirkung von Viagra® verstärken.

Wann darf ich Viagra® nicht einnehmen?

Frauen und Personen unter 18 Jahren dürfen Viagra® nicht einnehmen. Des Weiteren dürfen Sie Viagra® nicht anwenden, wenn Sie.

allergisch gegen Sildenafil oder andere Bestandteile des Medikaments sind. nicht an einer Erektionsstörung leiden. Nitrate einnehmen. Nitrate werden häufig zur Behandlung von „Herzschmerzen“ (Angina pectoris) eingesetzt und können bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme mit Viagra® zu einem gefährlichen Blutdruckabfall führen. Stickstoffmonoxid-Donatoren (z.B. Amylnitrit oder die Partydroge „Poppers“) anwenden. Auch hier kann es in Kombination mit Viagra® zu einem gefährlichen Abfall des Blutdrucks kommen. vor Kurzem (innerhalb der letzten 6 Monate) einen Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall hatten. einen niedrigen Blutdruck haben. eine seltene Augenkrankheit wie Retinitis pigmentosa haben. an einer schweren Leber- oder Nierenerkrankung leiden. bereits einen Sehverlust aufgrund von arteriitischer anteriorer ischämischer Optikusneuropathie (NAION) hatten oder haben. gleichzeitig andere Medikamente zur Behandlung einer erektilen Dysfunktion einnehmen oder anwenden. noch weitere sildenafilhaltige Medikamente einnehmen. Riociguat zur Behandlung von Bluthochdruck in der Lunge (pulmonaler Hypertonie) einnehmen. Bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Viagra® und Riociguat kann es zu einem gefährlichen Blutdruckabfall kommen.

Bei gewissen Vorerkrankungen ist besondere Vorsicht bei der Einnahme von Viagra® geboten. Bitte sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt bei ZAVA oder Ihrem Arzt oder Apotheker vor Ort, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme von Viagra® beginnen, wenn.

Sie unter einer Sichelzellanämie (Veränderung der roten Blutkörperchen), Leukämie (Blutkrebs) oder einem Multiplen Myelom (Knochenmarkkrebs) leiden. Sie eine anatomische Penismissbildung oder Peyronie-Krankheit haben. Bei der Peyronie-Krankheit kommt es aufgrund einer Gewebeverdickung zu einer Krümmung des erigierten Penis. bei Ihnen Herzprobleme bekannt sind. Ihr Arzt sollte in diesem Fall sorgfältig überprüfen, ob eine Behandlung mit Viagra® angebracht ist. ein Magen-Darm-Geschwür haben oder eine Störung der Blutgerinnung vorliegt.

Kann ich Viagra® auch nehmen, wenn ich keine Erektionsstörung (erektile Dysfunktion) habe?

Nein , denn Viagra® kann auch bei Gesunden zu Nebenwirkungen – beispielsweise schmerzhaften Dauererektionen – führen. Männer, die keine Erektionsstörungen aufweisen, und Viagra® lediglich als Lifestyle-Mittel zur sexuellen Leistungssteigerung anwenden, setzen sich somit unnötigen Risiken aus. Viagra® sollte nur angewendet werden, wenn eine medizinische Notwendigkeit vorliegt.

Ist es legal, Viagra® online zu kaufen?

Ja , allerdings müssen bestimmte Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein. Der Kauf von Viagra® ist auch online völlig legal, wenn.

Viagra® über eine offiziell zugelassene Versandapotheke und unter Vorlage eines gültigen ärztlichen Rezeptes erworben wird.

Wem das persönliche Vorsprechen beim Arzt unangenehm oder zu zeitintensiv ist, dem steht mit dem Erwerb durch lizensierte Online-Arztpraxen eine legale Alternative zur Seite. So können Sie Ihr Potenzmittel bei ZAVA einfach und bequem online anfordern. Ein medizinischer Fragebogen, anhand dessen der Arzt die Eignung und Unbedenklichkeit der Behandlung ermittelt, ersetzt dabei das persönliche Gespräch. Im Anschluss stellt Ihr Arzt Ihnen ein Rezept aus, das Medikament können Sie nach Wahl entweder an Ihre Wunschadresse liefern lassen oder in einer Apotheke oder Packstation abholen.

Es gibt allerdings auch Online-Händler, die Viagra® rezeptfrei anbieten. Hierbei gilt zu beachten, dass nicht nur der Verkauf, sondern auch der Erwerb laut § 73 und § 95 des Arzneimittelgesetzes (AMG) strafrechtliche Folgen haben kann . Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Risiken von rezeptfreiem Viagra®.

In welchen Dosierungen ist Viagra® erhältlich und welche ist für mich geeignet?

Viagra® ist in Dosierungen von 25 mg, 50 mg und 100 mg pro Tablette erhältlich.

Wenn Sie mit der Einnahme von Viagra® beginnen, werden zumeist 50 mg als Standarddosierung verschrieben. Je nach Bedarf und Verträglichkeit kann die Dosis auf 100 mg erhöht oder aber auf 25 mg verringert werden. Pro Tag darf maximal die vom Arzt verordnete Dosierung eingenommen werden.

Für jüngere Männer ist häufig bereits die Dosierung von 25 mg ausreichend, da oftmals psychische Ursachen für die Erektionsstörung verantwortlich sind. So bringt eine niedrige Dosierung meist schon die benötigte Sicherheit, um die Erektion ausreichend zu unterstützen.

Bei schwerwiegenden Erektionsstörungen kann die Dosis nach einer ärztlichen Beratung auf 100 mg erhöht werden. Bei dieser Dosierung können allerdings verstärkt Nebenwirkungen auftreten.

Generell gilt: Mitunter vergehen mehrere Einnahmen, bis Viagra® die gewünschte Wirkung zeigt. Sie sollten deshalb nicht direkt nach der ersten Einnahme an der Wirksamkeit zweifeln. Psychischer Stress und Erwartungsdruck können die Wirkung von Viagra® ebenfalls beeinflussen. Sollten Sie allerdings nach mehrmaliger Anwendung weiterhin keine Wirkung verspüren, dann wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Arzt bei ZAVA. Er kann gegebenenfalls Ihre Dosierung anpassen oder Ihnen bei Eignung ein alternatives Potenzmittel auf anderer Wirkstoffbasis verschreiben.

Wichtig: Die maximale Tagesdosis für Viagra® beträgt 100 mg . Von einer eigenmächtigen Anpassung der Dosis oder der Einnahmeintervalle raten wir dringlichst ab – auch wenn Sie die tägliche Maximaldosis von 100 mg durch eine Anpassung Ihrer Therapie nicht überschreiten würden.

Eine höhere Dosierung ist immer mit einem verstärkten Risiko von Neben- und Wechselwirkungen verbunden.

Die Gründe für ein Therapieversagen können vielfältig sein und reichen von einfachen Einnahmefehlern bis hin zu behandlungsbedürftigen Grunderkrankungen. Zum Wohle Ihrer Gesundheit ist es daher wichtig, sich bei ausbleibendem Therapieerfolg von Ihrem Arzt beraten zu lassen.

Welche Wirkstoffe sind in Viagra® Filmtabletten enthalten?

Viagra® enthält den Wirkstoff Sildenafil (als Citrat) in der Dosierung von 25 mg, 50 mg oder 100 mg je Tablette.

Weitere Bestandteile sind:

Tablettenkern: mikrokristalline Cellulose, Calciumhydrogenphosphat, Croscarmellose‑Natrium, Magnesiumstearat Filmüberzug: Hypromellose, Titandioxid (E 171), Lactose-Monohydrat, Triacetin, Indigocarmin-Aluminiumsalz (E 132)

Wie sieht Viagra® aus und in welchen Packungsgrößen ist das Medikament erhältlich?

Viagra® Filmtabletten sind blau, gerundet und rautenförmig. Sie sind auf einer Seite mit der Aufschrift „PFIZER“, auf der anderen Seite mit „VGR 25“, „VGR 50“ oder „VGR 100“ gekennzeichnet.

Viagra® ist in Deutschland in den folgenden Packungsgrößen erhältlich:

Viagra® 25 mg: 4 Stück Viagra® 50 mg: 4 und 12 Stück Viagra® 100 mg: 4 und 12 Stück.

Welche Nebenwirkungen sind möglich?

Wie bei jedem anderen Medikament kann es bei der Einnahme von Viagra® zu möglichen Nebenwirkungen kommen.

WICHTIG: Falls Sie eine der folgenden Nebenwirkungen bemerken, stoppen Sie bitte die Behandlung und suchen Sie umgehend ärztliche Hilfe auf:

allergische Reaktionen , zum Beispiel plötzlich einsetzendes, pfeifendes Atmen, Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen, Schwindelgefühl, Schwellung der Augenlider, des Gesichts, der Lippen oder des Rachens Brustschmerzen: Falls diese während oder nach dem Geschlechtsverkehr auftreten, nehmen Sie eine halbsitzende Haltung ein und versuchen Sie sich zu entspannen. Wichtig: Verwenden Sie keine Nitrate (z.B. Nitrospray), um Ihre Brustschmerzen zu behandeln. Die Kombination von Nitraten und Viagra® kann zu einem lebensbedrohlichen Blutdruckabfall führen. Priapismus, eine übermäßig lang anhaltende und manchmal schmerzhafte Erektion: Sollte die Erektion mehr als 4 Stunden anhalten, setzen Sie sich unverzüglich mit Ihrem Arzt in Verbindung. Unbehandelt kann es ansonsten zu einer dauerhaften Schädigung des Erektionsvermögens kommen. plötzliche Verschlechterung oder Verlust des Sehvermögens schwerwiegende Hautreaktionen , zum Beispiel schwere Hautabschilferung und starke Hautschwellungen, Blasenbildung im Mund, an den Genitalien und um die Augen sowie Fieber Krampfanfälle oder Anfälle.

Sehr häufig (bei mehr als 1 von 10 Behandelten) kommt es unter der Einnahme zu Kopfschmerzen .

Häufige Nebenwirkungen , die bei bis zu 1 von 10 Behandelten auftreten, sind:

Übelkeit Schwindel Sehstörungen, Störungen des Farbsehens oder verschwommenes Sehen Gesichtsrötung Hitzewallung (mit Beschwerden wie plötzlichem Wärmegefühl im Oberkörper) verstopfte Nase Verdauungsstörungen (Dyspepsie)

Gelegentliche und seltene Nebenwirkungen können der Packungsbeilage entnommen werden.

Hinweis: Da Viagra® Sehstörungen und Schwindel verursachen kann, achten Sie bitte genau auf Ihre Reaktionen während der Einnahme. Das gilt insbesondere, bevor Sie Auto fahren oder Maschinen bedienen.

Kann die Einnahme von Viagra® zu Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln führen?

Ja, Viagra® kann mit bestimmten anderen Medikamenten und Stoffen wechselwirken und zu verstärkter oder abgeschwächter Wirkung sowie zu Nebenwirkungen führen.

Wichtig: Viagra® darf nie mit nitrathaltigen Medikamenten kombiniert werden, andernfalls können nicht beherrschbare, lebensgefährliche Blutdruckabfälle auftreten.

Andere Arznei- und Lebensmittel, die zu Wechselwirkungen mit Viagra® führen können, sind:

einige Antibiotika wie Erythromycin und Rifampicin Medikamente zur Behandlung von HIV-Infektionen, beispielsweise Ritonavir und Saquinavir Cimetidin zur Behandlung von Magen-Darm-Beschwerden, wie beispielsweise Sodbrennen Ketoconazol-Tabletten zur Behandlung von Pilzerkrankungen Bosentan, ein Mittel zur Behandlung von Lungenhochdruck Alphablocker wie Doxazosin, das zur Behandlung einer gutartigen Vergrößerung der Prostata oder von Bluthochdruck eingesetzt wird Grapefruit oder Grapefruitsaft kann die Konzentration von Viagra® im Blut (leicht) erhöhen, was gegebenenfalls zu einem erhöhten Auftreten von Nebenwirkungen führt.

Es liegen nicht für alle Medikamente abschließende Daten zu Wechselwirkungen mit Viagra® vor. Deshalb sollten Sie bei der gleichzeitigen Verwendung anderer Arzneimittel mit Ihrem Arzt über mögliche Wechselwirkungen sprechen.

Angaben zum Hersteller.

Viagra® ist für viele Patienten synonym mit Pfizer – wer die Packungsbeilage genau studiert, wird jedoch feststellen: Als Hersteller wird seit Kurzem die Firma Upjohn angegeben. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von Pfizer und der niederländischen Firma Mylan. Grund zur Verunsicherung gibt es also nicht, denn außer dem Namenswechsel verändert sich für Patienten nicht viel: Zusammensetzung, Wirksamkeit und Erscheinungsbild der Tablette bleiben unverändert.

Viagra kaufen DM Erfahrungen & Test – Viagra kaufen DM Bewertung 2022.

Schon wieder hat es nicht so geklappt, wie man sich das vorgestellt hat? Immer wieder müssen Männer sich eingestehen, dass es Probleme mit dem „besten Freund“ gibt. Aber wieso können Erektionsprobleme auftreten? Die Gründe sind vielfältig, wieso „er“ nicht so funktioniert, wie man das erhofft hat. Psychischer Druck, so etwa die Angst vor dem neuerlichen Versagen, Stress oder auch Erkrankungen können sehr wohl für Erektionsbeschwerden sorgen. Aus diesem Grund ist es auch wichtig, dass bei Symptomen der erektilen Dysfunktion der Arzt aufgesucht wird. Sehr wohl kann nämlich das Erektionsproblem daher rühren, dass es eine zu behandelnde Krankheit gibt, deren Symptom die nicht zu schaffende Erektion ist.

Dass man im World Wide Web unterschiedliche Supplemente findet, die eine Hilfe sein sollen , wenn es darum geht, Potenz- bzw. Erektionsprobleme aus der Welt zu schaffen, ist kein Geheimnis. Aber welche Medikamente helfen tatsächlich, wenn es um die Bekämpfung der Erektionsbeschwerden geht? Neben Präparaten, die sich rein nur aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen zusammensetzen, gibt es auch altbewährte Potenzmittel – beispielsweise Viagra.

Viagra gehört mit Sicherheit zu den bekanntesten Potenzmitteln der Welt. Pfizer, das Unternehmen hinter der „blaue Pille“, macht nur durch Viagra einen jährlichen Umsatz von rund 1,7 Milliarden US Dollar. Auch wenn es heute schon einige Potenzmittel neben Viagra gibt , also das Alleinstellungsmerkmal schon lange nicht gegeben ist, so gilt Viagra heute noch immer als das Mittel, wenn man die Beschwerden der erektilen Dysfunktion aus dem Weg räumen möchte.

Aber wie vielversprechend ist Viagra am Ende wirklich? Denn sehr wohl haben sich rund um Viagra einige Legenden und Märchen gebildet – vor allem auch dahingehend, wie „oft man kann“ bzw. „wie lange die Erektion andauert“, aber auch, wenn es um Nebenwirkungen sowie Beschwerden geht, die in Verbindung mit der Einnahme stehen. Zudem ist noch zu klären, wo man Viagra kaufen kann. Gibt es Viagra bei der Drogerie DM oder steht Viagra nur in Apotheken zur Verfügung?

Viagra: Informationen zum Potenzmittel Nummer 1.

Viagra ist mit Sicherheit das bekannteste Potenzmittel auf unserem Planeten und wird auch gerne als Synonym für Potenzmittel verwendet. Die blaue kleine Pille soll dafür sorgen, dass die Erektionsbeschwerden bekämpft werden. Aber Viagra gibt es nicht bei DM zu kaufen oder einfach so in der nächsten Apotheke, sondern ist verschreibungspflichtig. Das heißt, bevor man Viagra kaufen will, muss man einen Arzt aufsuchen, der sodann Viagra verordnet. Das aus dem Grund, weil der Wirkstoff von Viagra, Sildenafil, nicht unterschätzt werden sollte. Viagra sollte bei bestimmten Krankheiten nicht eingenommen werden; des Weiteren ist es wichtig, dass man als Mann im Vorfeld überprüfen lässt, wieso es überhaupt zu Erektionsbeschwerden kommt. Denn hier kann sehr wohl eine ernstzunehmende Krankheit im Hintergrund lauern , die sodann dafür sorgt, dass die Erektion nicht mehr zustande gebracht wird.

Medikament zur Behandlung von Erektionsstörungen.

Preis ab 51.49 € + Behandlungsgebühr 29.00 €

Sofort lieferbar. Einer unserer Ärzte wird Ihre Anfrage auswerten und falls angemessen ein Rezept ausstellen. Wie funktioniert ZAVA?

Preiswerte Viagra-Alternativen.

Viagra® ist ein Medikament zur Behandlung von Erektionsstörungen (erektile Dysfunktion) bei erwachsenen Männern und wird von Fareva Amboise hergestellt. Es enthält den Wirkstoff Sildenafil und ist in Dosierungen von 25 mg, 50 mg und 100 mg pro Tablette erhältlich. Viagra® wirkt, indem es bei sexueller Erregung die Blutgefäße im Penis entspannt. Dadurch kann das Blut leichter in den Penis fließen und so eine Erektion verstärken. Die potenzsteigernde Wirkung hält 4-5 Stunden an.


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The Best 1 Viagra Jokes.

Following is our collection of funny Viagra jokes . There are some viagra homeopathic jokes no one knows ( to tell your friends ) and to make you laugh out loud.

Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. We hope you will find these viagra imodium puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh.

Top 10 Funniest Viagra Jokes and Puns.

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Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the viagra viagra pills jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working viagra marketing for viagra piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.

More Jokes.

Queen elizabeth Prince charles Autumn Mitch hedberg Obama Gas prices Ginger Hot weather Horrible dad Shark Orphan Stranger things Sweating like Morning wood Summer Double meaning Inappropriate Aggie Red flag One line Fathers day Left handed Prank call September Saturday Dad.

This site uses cookies to personalize ads and to analyse web traffic, for more info please review our Privacy Policy.


Sildenafil , sold under the brand name Viagra , among others, is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. [4] [8] It is unclear if it is effective for treating sexual dysfunction in women. [8] It is taken by mouth or by injection into a vein. [8] Onset is typically within twenty minutes and lasts for about two hours. [8]

EU EMA: by INN US FDA: Sildenafil.

AU : S4 (Prescription only) CA : ℞-only UK : over-the-counter (OTC) / P [2][3] US : ℞-only[4] EU : Rx-only [5][6] In general: ℞ (Prescription only)

139755-83-2 Y citrate: 171599-83-0 Y.

135398744 citrate: 135413523.

DB00203 Y citrate: DBSALT000347 Y.

5023 Y citrate: 56586 Y.

3M7OB98Y7H citrate: BW9B0ZE037 Y.

D08514 Y citrate: D02229 Y.

CHEBI:9139 Y citrate: CHEBI:58987 Y.

ChEMBL192 Y citrate: ChEMBL1737 Y.


Common side effects include headaches, heartburn, and flushed skin. [8] Caution is advised in those with cardiovascular disease. [8] Rare but serious side effects include a prolonged erection (priapism) that can lead to damage to the penis, vision problems, and hearing loss. [8] Sildenafil should not be taken by people on nitrates such as nitroglycerin (glycerin trinitrate), as this may result in a serious drop in blood pressure. [8] Sildenafil should not be taken within four hours of taking an alpha blocker.

Sildenafil acts by blocking phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE 5 ), an enzyme that promotes breakdown of cGMP, which regulates blood flow in the penis. [8] It requires sexual arousal to work. [8] It also results in dilation of the blood vessels in the lungs. [8]

Pfizer originally discovered the medication in 1989 while looking for a treatment for heart-related chest pain. [9] It was approved for medical use in the United States and in the European Union in 1998. [5] [8] [9] [10] In 2017, it was the 217th-most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than two million prescriptions. [11] [12] That same year, it also became available as a generic medication after final patents by Pfizer expired. [13] In the United Kingdom, it is available over the counter. [14] Most of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) in Sildenafil, Sildenafil citrate, is produced in Pfizer's Ringaskiddy complex, County Cork, which is Pfizer's largest production facility outside of the United States. [15]


1 Medical uses 1.1 Sexual dysfunction 1.1.1 Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction 1.2 Pulmonary hypertension 1.3 Raynaud's phenomenon 1.4 High-altitude pulmonary edema 2 Adverse effects 2.1 Interactions 2.2 Contraindications 3 Nonmedical use 3.1 Recreational use 3.2 Jet lag research 3.3 Sports 3.4 Analogs 4 Detection in biological fluids 5 Mechanism of action 6 Route of administration 7 Chemical synthesis 8 History 9 Society and culture 9.1 Marketing and sales 9.2 Counterfeits 9.3 Regional issues 9.3.1 Brazil 9.3.2 Canada 9.3.3 China 9.3.4 Egypt 9.3.5 European Union 9.3.6 India 9.3.7 New Zealand 9.3.8 South Korea 9.3.9 United Kingdom 9.3.10 United States 10 References 11 External links.

Sexual dysfunction.

The primary indication of sildenafil is treatment of erectile dysfunction (inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to complete sexual intercourse). Its use is now one of the standard treatments for erectile dysfunction, including for men with diabetes mellitus. [16]

Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction.

Tentative evidence suggests that sildenafil may help men who experience antidepressant-induced erectile dysfunction. [17]

Pulmonary hypertension.

While sildenafil improves some markers of disease in people with pulmonary arterial hypertension, it does not appear to affect the risk of death or serious side effects. [18]

Raynaud's phenomenon.

Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors are used off-label to alleviate vasospasm and treat severe ischemia and ulcers in fingers and toes for people with secondary Raynaud's phenomenon; [19] [20] these drugs have moderate efficacy for reducing the frequency and duration of vasospastic episodes. [19] As of 2016, [update] their role more generally in Raynaud's was not clear. [20]

High-altitude pulmonary edema.

Sildenafil has been studied for high-altitude pulmonary edema, but its use is currently not recommended for that indication. [21]

In clinical trials, the most common adverse effects of sildenafil use included headache, flushing, indigestion, nasal congestion, and impaired vision, including photophobia and blurred vision. [4] Some sildenafil users have complained of seeing everything tinted blue (cyanopsia). [22] This cyanopsia can be explained because Sildenafil, while selective for PDE5, does have a minor level of selectivity for PDE6, which is the phosphodiesterase found in the retina. Patients thus taking the drug may experience colorvision abnormalities. Some complained of blurriness and loss of peripheral vision. In July 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that sildenafil could lead to vision impairment in rare cases, [23] and a number of studies have linked sildenafil use with non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. [24]

Rare but serious adverse effects found through postmarketing surveillance include prolonged erections, severe low blood pressure, myocardial infarction (heart attack), ventricular arrhythmias, stroke, increased intraocular pressure, and sudden hearing loss. [4] In October 2007, the FDA announced that the labeling for all PDE5 inhibitors, including sildenafil, required a more prominent warning of the potential risk of sudden hearing loss. [25]


Care should be exercised by people who are also taking protease inhibitors for the treatment of HIV infection. Protease inhibitors inhibit the metabolism of sildenafil, effectively multiplying the plasma levels of sildenafil, increasing the incidence and severity of side effects. Those using protease inhibitors are recommended to limit their use of sildenafil to no more than one 25 mg dose every 48 hours. [4] Other drugs that interfere with the metabolism of sildenafil include erythromycin and cimetidine, both of which can also lead to prolonged plasma half-life levels. [26]

The use of sildenafil and an α 1 blocker (typically prescribed for hypertension or for urologic conditions, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy) at the same time may lead to low blood pressure, but this effect does not occur if they are taken at least 4 hours apart. [27]


Concomitant use of nitric oxide donors, organic nitrites and nitrates, [28] such as: nitroglycerin isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide dinitrate sodium nitroprusside alkyl nitrites (commonly known as "poppers") Concomitant use of soluble guanylyl cyclase stimulators, such as riociguat Known hypersensitivity to sildenafil.

Sildenafil should not be used if sexual activity is inadvisable due to underlying cardiovascular risk factors. [29]

Recreational use.

Sildenafil's popularity with young adults has increased over the years. [30] Sildenafil's trade name, Viagra, is widely recognized in popular culture, and the drug's association with treating erectile dysfunction has led to its recreational use. [31] The reasons behind such use include the belief that the drug increases libido, improves sexual performance, [31] or permanently increases penis size. [32] Studies on the effects of sildenafil when used recreationally are limited, but suggest it has little effect when used by those who do not have erectile dysfunction. In one study, a 25 mg dose was shown to cause no significant change in erectile quality, but did reduce the postejaculatory refractory time. [33] This study also noted a significant placebo effect in the control group. [33]

Unprescribed recreational use of sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors is noted as particularly high among users of illegal drugs. [34] Sildenafil is sometimes used to counteract the effects of other substances, often illicit. [31] Some users mix it with methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy), other stimulants, or opiates in an attempt to compensate for the common side effect of erectile dysfunction, a combination known as "sextasy", "rockin' and rollin'" or "trail mix". [31] Mixing it with amyl nitrite, another vasodilator, is particularly dangerous and potentially fatal. [31]

Jet lag research.

The 2007 Ig Nobel Prize in Aviation went to Patricia V. Agostino, Santiago A. Plano, and Diego A. Golombek of Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina, for their discovery that sildenafil helps treat jet lag recovery in hamsters. [35] [36]


Professional athletes have been documented using sildenafil, believing the opening of their blood vessels will enrich their muscles. In turn, they believe it will enhance their performances. [37] [38]


Acetildenafil and other synthetic structural analogs of sildenafil which are PDE5 inhibitors have been found as adulterants in a number of "herbal" aphrodisiac products sold over-the-counter. [39] These analogs have not undergone any of the rigorous testing that drugs like sildenafil have passed, and thus have unknown side-effect profiles. [40] Some attempts have been made to ban these drugs, but progress has been slow so far, as, even in those jurisdictions that have laws targeting designer drugs, the laws are drafted to ban analogs of illegal drugs of abuse, rather than analogs of prescription medicines. However, at least one court case has resulted in a product being taken off the market. [41]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned numerous products claiming to be Eurycoma longifolia that, in fact, contain only analogs of sildenafil. [42] [43] [44] Sellers of such fake herbals typically respond by just changing the names of their products.

Sildenafil and/or N-desmethylsildenafil, its major active metabolite, may be quantified in plasma, serum, or whole blood to assess pharmacokinetic status in those receiving the drug therapeutically, to confirm the diagnosis in potential poisoning victims, or to assist in the forensic investigation in a case of fatal overdose. [45]

Sildenafil protects cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from degradation by cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the corpus cavernosum. Nitric oxide (NO) in the corpus cavernosum of the penis binds to guanylate cyclase receptors, which results in increased levels of cGMP, leading to smooth muscle relaxation (vasodilation) of the intimal cushions of the helicine arteries. This smooth muscle relaxation leads to vasodilation and increased inflow of blood into the spongy tissue of the penis, causing an erection. [47] Robert F. Furchgott, Ferid Murad, and Louis Ignarro won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for their independent study of the metabolic pathway of nitric oxide in smooth muscle vasodilation.

The molecular mechanism of smooth muscle relaxation involves the enzyme CGMP-dependent protein kinase, also known as PKG. This kinase is activated by cGMP and it phosphorylates multiple targets in the smooth muscle cells, namely myosin light chain phosphatase, RhoA, IP3 receptor, phospholipase C, and others. [48] Overall, this results in a decrease in intracellular calcium and desensitizing proteins to the effects of calcium, engendering smooth muscle relaxation. [48]

Sildenafil is a potent and selective inhibitor of cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which is responsible for degradation of cGMP in the corpus cavernosum. The molecular structure of sildenafil is similar to that of cGMP and acts as a competitive binding agent of PDE5 in the corpus cavernosum, resulting in more cGMP and increased penile response to sexual stimulation. [47] [49] Without sexual stimulation, and therefore lack of activation of the NO/cGMP system, sildenafil should not cause an erection. Other drugs that operate by the same mechanism include tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra).

Sildenafil is broken down in the liver by hepatic metabolism using cytochrome p450 enzymes, mainly CYP450 3A4 (major route), but also by CYP2C9 (minor route) hepatic isoenzymes. The major product of metabolisation by these enzymes is N-desmethylated sildenafil, which is metabolised further. This metabolite also has an affinity for the PDE receptors, about 40% of that of sildenafil. Thus, the metabolite is responsible for about 20% of sildenafil's action. Sildenafil is excreted as metabolites predominantly in the feces (about 80% of administered oral dose) and to a lesser extent in the urine (around 13% of the administered oral dose). If taken with a high-fat meal, absorption is reduced; the time taken to reach the maximum plasma concentration increases by around one hour, and the maximum concentration itself is decreased by nearly one-third. [50]

When taken by mouth sildenafil for erectile dysfunction results in an average time to onset of erections of 27 minutes (ranging from 12 to 70 minutes). [51] Under the tongue use of sildenafil for erectile dysfunction results in an average onset of action of 15 minutes and lasting for an average of 40 minutes. [52]

There are also mouth spray preparations of sildenafil for faster onset of action.

The preparation steps for synthesis of sildenafil are: [53]

Methylation of 3-propylpyrazole-5-carboxylic acid ethyl ester with hot dimethyl sulfate Hydrolysis with aqueoussodium hydroxide (NaOH) to free acid Nitration with oleum/fuming nitric acid Carboxamide formation with refluxingthionyl chloride/NH 4 OH Reduction of nitro group to amino group Acylation with 2-ethoxybenzoyl chloride Cyclization Sulfonation to the chlorosulfonyl derivative Condensation with 1-methylpiperazine.

Sildenafil (compound UK-92,480) was synthesized by a group of pharmaceutical chemists working at Pfizer's Sandwich, Kent, research facility in England. It was initially studied for use in hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina pectoris (a symptom of ischaemic heart disease). The first clinical trials were conducted in Morriston Hospital in Swansea. [54] Phase I clinical trials under the direction of Ian Osterloh suggested the drug had little effect on angina, but it could induce marked penile erections. [55] [56] Pfizer therefore decided to market it for erectile dysfunction, rather than for angina; this decision became an often-cited example of drug repositioning. [57] [58] The drug was patented in 1996, approved for use in erectile dysfunction by the FDA on 27 March 1998, becoming the first oral treatment approved to treat erectile dysfunction in the United States, and offered for sale in the United States later that year. [59] It soon became a great success: annual sales of Viagra peaked in 2008 at US$1.934 billion. [60]

Marketing and sales.

In the US, even though sildenafil is available only by prescription from a doctor, it was advertised directly to consumers on TV (famously being endorsed by former United States Senator Bob Dole and football star Pelé). Numerous sites on the Internet offer Viagra for sale after an "online consultation", often a simple web questionnaire. [61] [62] The Viagra name has become so well known that many fake aphrodisiacs now call themselves "herbal viagra" or are presented as blue tablets imitating the shape and colour of Pfizer's product. Viagra is also informally known as "vitamin V", "the blue pill", or "blue diamond", as well as various other nicknames.

In 2000, Viagra sales accounted for 92% of the global market for prescribed erectile dysfunction pills. [63] By 2007, Viagra's global share had plunged to about 50% [64] due to several factors, including the entry of Cialis and Levitra, along with several counterfeits and clones, and reports of vision loss in people taking PDE5 inhibitors. [65] [66] In 2008, the FDA forced Pfizer to remove Viva Cruiser , an advergame for Viagra, from appearing on Forbes.com, after the game failed to disclose risk information about the drug. [67] [68]

In February 2007, it was announced that Boots, the UK pharmacy chain, would try over-the-counter sales of Viagra in stores in Manchester, England. Men between the ages of 30 and 65 would be eligible to buy four tablets after a consultation with a pharmacist. [69] In 2017, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) enacted legislation that expanded this nationwide, [70] allowing a particular branded formulation of Sildenafil, Viagra Connect (50 mg), to be sold over the counter and without a prescription throughout the UK from early 2018. While the sale remains subject to a consultation with a pharmacist, the other restrictions from the trial have been removed, allowing customers over the age of 18 to purchase an unlimited number of pills. [71] The decision was made, in part, to reduce online sales of counterfeit and potentially dangerous erectile dysfunction treatments.

On 6 May 2013, Pfizer, which manufactures Viagra, told the Associated Press they will begin selling the drug directly to people on its website. [72]

Pfizer's patents on Viagra expired outside the US in 2012; in the US they were set to expire, but Pfizer settled litigation with each of Mylan and Teva which agreed that both companies could introduce generics in the US on 11 December 2017. [73] [74] In December 2017, Pfizer released its own generic version of Viagra. [75] [76]

As of 2018 [update] , the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved fifteen drug manufacturers to market generic sildenafil in the United States. Seven of these companies are based in India. This is likely to lead to dramatic price reductions. [77] [78]


Counterfeit Viagra, despite generally being cheaper, [79] can contain harmful substances or substances that affect how Viagra works, such as blue printer ink, amphetamines, metronidazole, boric acid, and rat poison. [80]

Viagra is one of the world's most counterfeited medicines. [81] [82] According to a Pfizer study, around 80% of sites claiming to sell Viagra were selling counterfeits. [80]

Regional issues.


Pfizer's patent on sildenafil citrate expired in Brazil in 2010. [83]


In Canada, Pfizer's patent 2,324,324 for Revatio (sildenafil used to treat pulmonary hypertension) was found invalid by the Federal Court in June 2010, on an application by Ratiopharm Inc. [84] [85]

On 8 November 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Pfizer's patent 2,163,446 on Viagra was invalid from the beginning because the company did not provide full disclosure in its application. The decision, Teva Canada Ltd. v. Pfizer Canada Inc. , pointed to section 27(3)(b) of The Patent Act which requires that disclosure must include sufficient information "to enable any person skilled in the art or science to which it pertains" to produce it. It added further: "As a matter of policy and sound statutory interpretation, patentees cannot be allowed to 'game' the system in this way. This, in my view, is the key issue in this appeal." [86]

Teva Canada launched Novo-Sildenafil, a generic version of Viagra, on the day the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision. [87] [88] [89] To remain competitive, Pfizer then reduced the price of Viagra in Canada. [90] However, on 9 November 2012, Pfizer filed a motion for a re-hearing of the appeal in the Supreme Court of Canada, [91] on the grounds that the court accidentally exceeded its jurisdiction by voiding the patent. [92] Finally, on 22 April 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada invalidated Pfizer's patent altogether. [93]


Manufacture and sale of sildenafil citrate drugs is common in China, where Pfizer's patent claim is not widely enforced.


Egypt approved Viagra for sale in 2002, but soon afterwards allowed local companies to produce generic versions of the drug, citing the interests of poor people who would not be able to afford Pfizer's price. [94]

European Union.

Pfizer's patent on sildenafil citrate expired in some member countries of the EU, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Switzerland on 21 June 2013. [95] [96] [97] A UK patent held by Pfizer on the use of PDE5 inhibitors (see below) as treatment of impotence was invalidated in 2000 because of obviousness; this decision was upheld on appeal in 2002. [98] [99]


Manufacture and sale of sildenafil citrate drugs known as "generic Viagra" is common in India, where Pfizer's patent claim does not apply. Trade names include Kamagra (Ajanta Pharma), Silagra (Cipla), Edegra (Sun Pharmaceutical), Penegra (Zydus Cadila), Manly (Cooper Pharma) and Zenegra (Alkem Laboratories).

New Zealand.

Sildenafil was reclassified in New Zealand in 2014 so it could be bought over the counter from a pharmacist. It is thought that this reduced sales over the Internet and was safer as men could be referred for medical advice if appropriate. [100]

South Korea.

In 1999 South Korea granted two patents to Pfizer related to sildenafil. The first document guaranteed sole production and sale of the substance until 2012, while the second gave Pfizer the exclusive use to treating erectile dysfunction with sildenafil until 2014. [101] In 2011 Hanmi Pharmaceutical and CJ CheilJedang launched a suit against the exclusive use patent. The Korean Court system made a ruling against Pfizer in June 2012, allowing for the unhindered domestic production of generic prescription sildenafil. [102]

During 2012 Viagra lost its position as the top selling erectile dysfunction treatment in South Korea. This development was credited largely "due to the introduction of generic products." Generic sildenafil became publicly available in May. Sales of PalPal by Hanmi Pharmaceuticals totalled ₩22 billion or about 86% the market share of Viagra that year. [103] By 2017 there were over 50 generic sildenafil pills available. During that year Viagra sales slumped to 38% that of Palpal. [104]

United Kingdom.

There were 2,958,199 prescriptions for Sildenafil in 2016 in England, compared with 1,042,431 in 2006. [105]

In 2018, Viagra Connect, a particular formulation of Sildenafil marketed by Pfizer, became available for sale without a prescription in the UK, [71] in an attempt to widen availability and reduce demand for counterfeit products.

United States.

Sildenafil is available as a generic drug in the United States, labeled for pulmonary arterial hypertension. [106] As of 2016 [update] branded pills cost about 50 times more than generic ones. [106] In the United States as of 2015 [update] the branded 50 mg pill cost is between 25.17 and US$37.88. [107]

In the United States, Pfizer received two patents for sildenafil: one for its indication to treat cardiovascular disease (marketed as Revatio) and another for its indication to treat erectile dysfunction (marketed as Viagra). The substance is the same under both trade names. [106]

In 1992, Pfizer filed a patent covering the substance sildenafil and its use to treat cardiovascular diseases. [108] This would be marketed as Revatio. The patent was published in 1993 and expired in 2012. The patent on Revatio (indicated for pulmonary arterial hypertension rather than erectile dysfunction) expired in late 2012. Generic versions of this low-dose form of sildenafil have been available in the U.S. from a number of manufacturers, including Greenstone, Mylan, and Watson, since early 2013. [109] Health care providers may prescribe generic sildenafil for erectile dysfunction. [106] However, the generic is not available in the same dosages as branded Viagra, so using dosages typically required for treating ED requires patients to take multiple pills. [106]

In 1994, Pfizer filed a patent covering the use of sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction. [110] This would be marketed as Viagra. This patent was published in 2002 and will expire in 2019. Teva sued to have the latter patent invalidated, but Pfizer prevailed in an August 2011 federal district court case. [111] An agreement with Pfizer allowed Teva to begin to provide the generic drug in December 2017. [106]

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Wie nimmt man Viagra richtig ein um das beste Ergebnis zu bekommen?

Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben und Viagra kaufen möchten, ist die Wahl der richtigen Dosierung ein sehr wichtiger Faktor. Sie möchten ja Ihre Sorgen loswerden und hervorragenden Sex mit Ihrer Partnerin/Ihrem Partner genießen mit keinen der minimalen Nebenwirkungen.

Viagra ist Medikament das unterschiedliche Dosierungen des Hauptwirkstoffs Komponente Sildenafil enthält.

50 mg ist die beste Standarddosis, wenn Sie zum ersten Mal eine erektile Dysfunktion behandeln. 100 mg ist die maximale Dosierung. Sie wird eingenommen, falls die 50mg-Dosis nicht effektiv genug ist, also bei einem totalen Verlust der Erektionsfähigkeit. 25 mg sollte genommen werden, falls Sie nur leichte Hilfe beim Sex brauchen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit von unangenehmen Nebenwirkungen reduzieren möchte.

Die Wirkung von Viagra beginnt innerhalb von 30-60 Minuten nach der Einnahme der Pille. Wenn Sie das Potenzmittel zu früh vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr einnehmen, kann die Wirkung nicht komplett aktiv werden, und Sie können in eine peinliche Situation geraten. Die Wirkungsdauer von Viagra beträgt 4 bis 6 Stunden. Innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne werden Sie in der Lage sein, jedes mal eine sehr harte Erektion zu haben, wenn Sie den Wunsch nach Sex verspüren. Die Erektion erfolgt nicht automatisch, Sie müssen nach den Einnahme sexuell erregt sein und Lust auf körperliche Liebe haben.

Vorteile von Viagra.

Vor mehr als 20 Jahre eroberte Viagra, auch das blaue Wunder für den Mann genannt, den Markt den ED-Pillen. In Deutschland ist es immer noch das meist verkaufte, das zuverlässigste und meist getestete Potenzmittel.

Eine weltweit bekannte und bewährte original Marke (Hersteller Pfizer). Bringt in jedem beliebigen Alter Ihr sexuelles Leben in Schwung. Es gibt drei Dosierungen: niedrige, mittlere und höchste Viagra Dosierung. Bei Viagra gibt es keinen Gewöhnungseffekt. Sie könne Ihre Erfolge damit auch nach längerer Einnahme immer erreichen. Bei regulärer Anwendung lässt die Wirksamkeit nicht nach.

Außerdem ist es für Sie immer möglich, Viagra Generika online zu kaufen und Ihre Behandlungskosten damit zu verringern. Die Generika kosten weniger, sind dabei aber genauso effektiv wie Markentabletten. Es ist auf jeden Fall Ihre personelle Entscheidung, welche Potenzmittel Sie gegen die Erektionsstörung rezeptfrei bestellen . Die Hauptsache ist, dass Sie dieses unangenehme Problem sofort lösen können. Das Problem, unter dem Sie leiden und das große Auswirkung auf die Stabilität Ihrer Beziehung hat ist zwar belastend aber auch sehr einfach lösbar!


Bei einigen Menschen, die Viagra einnehmen, treten selten mehr oder wenig unangenehme Nebenwirkungen auf. Sie müssen wissen, dass jedes beliebiges Medikament nicht nur Wirkung sondern auch Nebenwirkungen haben kann. Dies sollte Sie auf keinen Fall von der Behandlung der erektilen Dysfunktion abhalten. Wichtig! Informationen über die Nebenwirkungen von Viagra finden Sie auf dem Beipackzettel.

Nebenwirkungen können zwar auftreten, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass Sie Ihr Sexleben aufgeben müssen. Nebenwirkungen verschwinden innerhalb kurzer Zeit (einige Minuten bis Stunden). Nebenwirkungen treten entweder zu Beginn der Behandlung oder bei Erhöhung der Dosis auf.

Die meist verbreiteten Nebenwirkungen sind:

Kopfschmerzen Schwindel Gesichtsrötung Verstopfung der Nase Dyspepsie (Verdauungsstörung)

Die Liste der möglichen Nebenwirkungen ist nicht voll. Sehr selten auftretende Nebenwirkungen finden Sie im Beipackzettel.

Sie sollten im Notfall an einen Arzt wenden falls: die Erektion länger als vier Stunden anhält; Sie Augenprobleme oder Sehstörungen bekommen; Sie eine extreme Erhöhung der Herzfrequenz oder Herzprobleme haben; Sie starkes Jucken und Hitzewallungen spüren, oder andere selten vorkommende, aber trotzdem schwere Nebenwirkungen haben.

Wirkstoff von Viagra Original.

Dieses Medikament enthält den Wirkstoff Sildenafilzitrat, der Ihnen dabei helfen kann, eine Erektion zu bekommen und über einen längeren Zeitraum zu halten. Sie können dieses Medikament rezeptfrei kaufen. Es ist in zwei verschiedenen Dosierungen erhältlich: 100 mg und 50 mg. Egal, ob Sie nur ein wenig Hilfe brauchen, um in Stimmung zu kommen, oder ob Sie die volle Wirkung des Medikaments erleben wollen, es gibt eine Dosierung, die Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht!

Sildenafilzitrat ist ein Wirkstoff, das das Enzym Phosphodiesterase 5 blockiert. Dieses Enzym ist für den Abbau von zyklischem Guanosinmonophosphat (cGMP) verantwortlich. cGMP ist ein Vermittler der Entspannung der glatten Muskulatur in den Schwellkörpern, und seine Hemmung führt zu erhöhtem Blutfluss und einer Erektion. Das Medikament wurde zur Behandlung der erektilen Dysfunktion entwickelt und hat sich bei den meisten Männern als wirksam erwiesen. Es hat auch eine positive Wirkung auf die Libido und das psychische Wohlbefinden.

Dosierung 100mg Sildenafil Citrate ist die beliebteste Dosierung dieses Medikaments. Es ist eine wirksame Behandlung für erektile Dysfunktion und es hat sich in klinischen Studien bewährt.

Warum Viagra online ohne Rezept bestellen?

Viagra ist ein sicheres und verlässlich wirkendes Potenzmittel für Männer . Falls Sie sich einen Besuch beim Arzt ersparen, und ein peinliches Gespräch beim Kaufen der ED-pillen in der Apotheke vermeiden wollen, bestellen Sie Viagra online. Bei schweren oder chronischen Erkrankungen sollten Sie sich vom einem Arzt beraten lassen. Sie sollten sicherstellen, dass Sie diese Pillen einnehmen dürfen. Besondere Vorsicht ist bei Menschen mit einer operativen Vergangenheit angebracht. Falls Sie Operationen an der Prostata oder Hoden in der Vergangenheit hatten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Arzt. Sie haben immer die Möglichkeit Viagra ohne Rezept zu kaufen um das erwünschte Ergebnis zu erreichen. Ihre Bestellung wird in kurzer Frist an die von Ihnen angegebenen Adresse geliefert.Ihre persönliche Daten behandeln wir natürlich mit Vorsicht. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Viagra oder ihre günstige Generika Alternative bestellen; wir schicken Ihnen Ihr bestelltes Medikament in einer diskreten Verpackung und arbeiten mit zuverlässigen Kurierdiensten zusammen.

Sollten Sie Fragen zu Viagra Original oder unseren anderen Medikamenten haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht uns zu kontaktieren. Wir sind 24/7 für Sie da! Unser freundliches Personal wird Ihnen gerne alle Fragen beantworten, damit Sie Ihr Leben wieder mit Leichtigkeit und Zuversicht leben können! Sie können darauf vertrauen, dass wir original Qualitätsprodukte zu erschwinglichen Preisen anbieten! Warten Sie keinen weiteren Tag - bestellen Sie original Viagra jetzt!

Viagra in cancun

 Can I Take Viagra In My Hand Luggage?

Trying to navigate the world of hand luggage rules these days is definitely no easy feat. With ever increasing airport security measures, it’s really difficult to know whether or not you are going to be breaking any rules. With all of the terrorist attacks that have occurred in recent years, it is really no surprise that airports have to be so strict nowadays.

Although the rules regarding illegal drugs and weaponry are very clear, there are certain things that seem to fall into a bit of a grey area. Prescription drugs are one of these things. Viagra is a particularly sensitive subject for some men, so many would prefer not to ask airport staff on rules regarding Viagra and hand luggage which is understandable.

This is why research is so important. The last thing that you want is to arrive at airport security only to have the Viagra in suitcase confiscated. It would be highly embarrassing and may add extra stress to your journey. As a general rule, most prescription drugs are perfectly fine to take in your hand luggage. Of course, there are some exceptions.

If you have obtained your Viagra illegally, then security officers are likely to pick up on this and will confiscate them. If you have the pills on prescription from your doctor, then the best thing that you can do is to take your prescription along with you so that you can show it to officers on duty should they question you.

Viagra in Suitcase – Where You May Run Into Difficulties.

When it comes to taking Viagra in your hand luggage, there are a few instances in which you may run into a few difficulties. As a general rule, as long as the medication has been prescribed to you for your personal use, then there is very little chance that you will be prohibited from bringing it with you. However, here are a couple of examples in which you may face problems.

If the Quantity is Too Much.

This is where things may start to get a little complicated. In terms of how to take Viagra on holiday , there are a few rules that you are going to want to follow, in order to make sure that you don’t get into trouble. The first thing that you will need to be careful with is the amount of tablets that you take with you.

If, for example, you are going on holiday for a week, then you are only going to need a weeks’ worth of tablets, if that. If the airport security can see that you are going away for a week and you have a large quantity of tablets on you, then they are going to get suspicious over whether you have intent to supply whilst you are abroad. The best way around this issue is to only take the amount that you will need for personal use and no more.

If It Has Clearly Not Been Prescribed to You.

In order to get Viagra in hand luggage or a toiletry bag through airport security, you are going to need to be able to show clearly that it has been prescribed to you, for your personal use. If you are unable to show this to security, then you might find that they will want to confiscate it. Ultimately, it comes down to the discretion of the security guard on duty at the time. It is always best to play it safe and bring any prescription information that you have with you before you reach airport security.

These are really the only two instances in which it might be a problem taking Viagra on holiday with you. As long as you are careful and you have only taken enough with you for your personal use and you have your prescription information then you shouldn’t run into any difficulties and you can enjoy your holiday.

Viagra in cancun.

Book your Airport Transfers:

Mayan Ruins Snorkeling Eco Parks Adventure Boat Trips Zip Lines Fishing Swim with Dolphins ATV Tours Island Day Cruises Private Tours Cancun Bar Crawl Playa Crawl Party Hopper.

Chichen Itza Tulum Ruins Xcaret Park Xel-Ha Park Isla Mujeres Trips Booze Cruise Great tour ideas for Kids Nightlife in Cancun Day Cruises from Cancun ATV Tours Cancun Bar Crawl Playa Crawl Party Hopper.

We are asked at least once or twice a day "Are drugs legal in Cancun?" and "How much trouble will I be in if I get caught with drugs in Cancun?" There are a lot of ways to answer these questions and I have heard them all from ex-pats living here in Cancun. It is really hard to get a straight answer about laws because in my experience even the police are lacking in the knowledge of their own legal system.

This can be a good thing if you are can think quickly and speak some Spanish. This can also be a bad thing because they could just take you to jail and let the judge figure it out. So whenever someone asks me about drugs being legal or illegal in Mexico I have two answers, one is what the law says and the other is reality.

Let's start with the legal aspect of the question. Here is the State Department's warning to Spring breakers:

"Alcohol is involved in the vast majority of arrests, accidents, violent crimes, rapes, and deaths suffered by American students on Spring Break. Disturbing the peace, lewd or indecent behavior, littering, driving under the influence, drinking on the street or on public transportation, using public transportation without payment, or making obscene or insulting remarks are all considered criminal activities by Mexican authorities. The importation, purchase, possession or use of drugs can incur severe penalties, including imprisonment without bail for up to a year before a case is tried, and imprisonment of several years following a conviction. All individuals 16 years of age or older are tried as adults."

Sounds pretty serious, huh? Well it is and it isn't. The Mexican government legalized the possession of very small amounts of drugs for personal consumption in 2009. Below are the amounts that are legal to possess under Federal Law. When I say small amounts I mean very small amounts.

Now here comes the reality part of my answer. Before the changes in the law, ALL drug related offenses were handled by the Federal Police. Since 2009 the cases with small amounts are handled by the local police. This is where it starts to get a bit sticky and hard to explain to people that haven't had the pleasure of paying a bribe or "mordita" to any of Mexico's Finest. If you get caught with drugs in Cancun I can almost guarantee you that 99% of the time you can get out of it with by paying a bribe. How much of a bribe you ask? This is the part that is really hard to say because it depends on many factors. I know some people are saying "I can't believe you are paying bribes to cops, this only encourages corruption." Well that is all well and good, but if you have been caught with drugs then police corruption may be your new best friend.

Would you go on vacation to New York or Miami and be out looking to score drugs? Is it really worth the risk? I wouldn't take the chance of ruining an awesome vacation by ending up in a jail cell that is meant to hold a couple guys filled with 20-30 other people that have had the misfortune of ending up in jail for God knows what. I have friends that have lived here for more than ten years and have never once been approached by someone selling drugs. I, on the other hand, can't walk more than a few feet without some guy saying "I got what you need, bro". I say "to each their own" but beware of the consequences of you actions before you run out to the beach asking everyone you see if they have some blow!

All those horrible stories you have heard or imagined about the jails in Mexico are all true and in some cases much worse. So my advice is to just say no, but if you find yourself in the hands of the law and they tell you that you can pay them some cash and let you go, then by all means pay it if you can and negotiate a smaller amount if you can't.

This is by no means meant to be taken as legal advice and if you do end up in jail please don't call me crying saying "But you said. "

Viagra in bangladesh

 Viagra Bangladesh.

For men, sexual intimacy is one the greatest pleasures of being a human being.

Sometimes sex can become a chore due to the fast pace of modern life. Whether it’s time or energy, or just an overall unhealthy diet, this lack of sex might lead to a dry spell. It might lead to a loss of intimacy.

And then there are the times when you are finally in the mood for some fun. You have already set the time. You made the day extra special by planning ahead. Everything is ready. You are sure to have a good time, but then when it comes for Little Richard to take the stage….

……Nothing. It seems like all Little Richard wants to do is to stay in Lake Flaccid.

While it might sound sad and embarrassing, it does happen from time to time. Perhaps it’s just nerves. Maybe it is the lack of rest.

No matter the reason, this does not mean that you should just leave the issue, lying down (pun intended). You must get better.

Better is a better word to describe a natural product that can help you get better sleep. VigRX Plus might be able help you with this, my friends.

For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from Innerbody Research’s YouTube channel. To get a comprehensive overview of VigRX, you may still want to check out our article below.

VigRX Plus Viagra Bangladesh.

VigRX Plus is an all-natural male enhancement supplement. It is highly-regarded and among the first names you’ll see whenever you search for men enhancing supplements.

Simply put, there are a lot of men running to VigRX Plus whenever they need help.

And they have been helping men since 2001. This is more than 21 years!

VigRx Plus comes from Leading Edge Health, who also brought you GenF20. As with that product, you will be sure that the VigRX Plus will be effective, efficient, and all-natural.

VigRX Plus is a male enhancement product that can make you work harder and stay in bed longer. It would be easy to believe that your little soldier could “do this all the time”. Viagra Bangladesh.

The Benefits of VigRX Plus.

As an all-natural male enhancement supplement, it has been in the market for more than 20 years. VigRx Plus’s effects have only improved over time. It would have been off the market for a long time now.

VigRX Plus’ formulation helps and improves on many aspects of the male sexual health. Many customers have experienced an increase in testosterone and improved blood circulation to their sexual organs.

These very same customers also reported a reduction in stress and higher self-confidence. These effects can lead to a better performance at bed. People who have used VigRX Plus reported having stronger erections, more energy, and higher libido.

While it isn’t as fast and effective as prescription medication, it is a less harsher medication than the prescription drugs in the market. VigRX Plus may take some time before the body is able to absorb enough to begin seeing results.

This means that users are less likely to experience side effects. It has not been reported that users have experienced withdrawal from VigRX Plus. Men who have paused their use of VigRX Plus for any reason did not experience any decline in their sexual health.


Transparency is key whenever we talk about sexual-performance-enhancing supplements. This applies to their ingredients. A product with something to hide should be avoided. This is a sad truth. Not all supplement products follow this principle.

VigRX Plus does not hide their ingredients. They are transparent about what ingredients they use in their products. They know exactly what they are putting into your body. This information is vital as it allows users the ability to research and study.

Most of the ingredients found in the formulation of this supplement are well known ingredients that are known to boost libido. Viagra Bangladesh.

Epimedium Leaf Extract.

Aptly named “horny goat weed,” this ingredient is used in many male sexual enhancements supplements. Icinarine is the main component. Flavonoids are compounds that enhance erection in men’s sexual organs. It is particularly effective for older men.

Icariin also helps transport nitric dioxide in the body. Nitric oxide is another substance that is important for these supplements as it is known to improve blood flow into the penis. Less of it means less healthy erections. This is why most ED medications focus on this substance..

Asian Red Ginseng.

The ingredient known as Korean Red Ginseng, or Asian Red Ginseng, increases alertness. Studies have also shown that this ginseng can help with erectile dysfunction. Even men without ED can still get the benefits of a better and harder erection from this.

Apart from this, asian red Ginseng has been shown to increase nitric oxide, which is a benefit we have already discussed. Furthermore, it also helps protect blood vessels and tissue from oxidative stress.

It’s no wonder that this ingredient has been used as an aphrodisiac in ancient China.


This ingredient is made from common black pepper. Bioperine increases metabolism and helps the body absorb more nutrients. The body functions better as a result.

VigRX Plus means a 30% increase in effectiveness.

Muira Puama Bark Extract.

This plant is from Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest. Studies have shown that the bark has an ability to treat sexual disorders. It has many other medicinal properties.

Bark also has the ability to improve immunity levels.

Hawthorn Berry.

Vasodilators are foods or substances that when consumed enough times, will help widen the blood vessels. Hawthorn berry is one of these so-called vasodilators. However, people either don’t like the taste of the berry or they don’t consume enough to experience its effects.

Since blood flow, especially through the penis, is key to having a positive sexual health, it was a no brainer to include this ingredient pr at least itsl in the VigRX. Overall, it is an ingredient that helps improve blood flow in the heart, and then to all the other body parts.

Ginkgo Biloba, another product from ancient China, is also available. It also works in the same way as most ingredients found in the VigRX Plus. This ingredient can also improve blood flow throughout the body. It supports a healthy nervous system and brain.

In terms of sexual health, the increase of blood flow means longer time your penis can stay hard, for longer. This can also lead to a more difficult erection.

Catuaba Bark Extract.

Catuaba Bark Extract was also extracted from native plants of Brazil and Peru. Viagra Bangladesh.

Lately, this bark extract has been in the eyes of researches due its effect on increasing sexual perfromance. There are also some evidence that suggest it heightens sexual arousal, therefore improving sex.

Lastly, the Catuaba Bark Extract also contains alkaloids that help remove exhaustion and anxiety as well as make the body relax.

Saw Palmetto.

Is another ingredient that originates from Latin America. This time, Saw Palmetto has two functions. First is that it is a well-known testosterone booster in the body. This works especially well in older men and those with lower testosterone levels.

Second, it also promotes the active absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. THis allows you to be sure of a healthy nutrient-hormone balance in the body.

How Does VigRx Plus Work?

You will feel less anxious Increased blood flow Healthier nervous system Hormonal Balance.

These are just a few of the things that directly relate to sexual performance.

VigRX is carefully formulated in order to achieve these factors. These factors were achieved by using only the finest natural ingredients.

Orally taken, the formulation starts to work by providing the body with the necessary stuff to naturally increase testosterone production.

Because the ingredients do different things, supplement approaches can be taken from multiple angles.

This can be achieved by increasing sexual drive and arousal. This is thanks to the different aphrodisias that are found in some of VigRX’s ingredients.

Many of VIgRX’s ingredients also contain antioxidants. These ingredients work together to help reduce fatigue, while also increasing energy and stamina.

Some ingredients are also said to improve cognition and can serve as protection for the nerves found in the body.

The supplement also regulates blood flow to the penis. Ingredients such as icariin increase the transport of Nitric Oxide to the blood that goes to the penis. This results in more enduring and stronger erections.

The same Nitric Ox also relaxes the muscle tissue of the penis. The tissue can then accommodate more blood when the next erection comes.

This is so strong of an effect that some men may even think that their penis got bigger, when in fact nothing of the sort is happening. Afterall, VigRX is not a penis enlargement supplement.


Like with most medicines, check with your doctor if it is safe for you to include VigRX Plus in your diet. To minimize side effects, the manufacturers used all-natural ingredients and formulated VigRX Plus with no artificial ingredients. Viagra Bangladesh.

There is still the possibility that VigRX ingredients could react with your current medications. This reaction could be bad for you. This could even make your life more difficult. So whenever the doctor asks, be honest with all your current medications.

For best effects, it is recommended that VigRX should be taken two times per day. Some people increase the dosage to three tablets per day. This is acceptable.

You could be at risk of overdosing if you take four tablets in a 24-hour period.

Warning: Taking VigRX along with prescribed ED medication can also lead to overdose.

VIgRX comes in five options. These plans can offer more value than the average plan.

Single pack – $69.95 Duo bundle – $129.95 Three pack – $179.95 6-month bundle $329.95 12-month bundle $580.95.

VigRX Plus Plus comes in 60-tablet boxes.

Pros and Cons.

It has an all-natural ingredient that minimizes the chances of negative side effects It offers larger and harder erections This gives you more control over your erections It increases libido It enhances your performance in bed It increases confidence It provides powerful and satisfying orgasms.

Some ingredients may react adversely to medications that the user is taking. This is usually true for people on blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, some antidepressants, among others. It is slower than the majority of doctor-prescribed ED medication when used for ED treatment.


Although I haven’t tried VigRX Plus myself, there are many internet testimonials that support the effectiveness of VigRX Plus. Sure, you can say that it is very easy to fake such reviews.

However, I also have friends who did try the supplement and they swear by it. Some have bragged about how long they lasted. Keep in mind, however, that not all of these men have given up on their sex lives.

That said, this change is not instantaneous and it took a few months of taking the meds to notice any effects.

Side effects are not a concern. It did vary from person to person. There were no severe side effects.

Most Frequently Asked Questions Viagra Bangladesh.

When will I see results?

Like most medications, different people will react to VigRX Plus formulation at different rates. This rate can be affected by age. People with near normal testosterone levels may notice the effects longer than those who have lower testosterone levels for example.

How Many Times a Day Should I Take this Supplement?

The suggested daily dose is two tablets.

Take the recommended dosage for best results. You can take them either separately or together. Some may take three tablets. However, there is a warning to not take four tablets within 24 hours.

Where Can I Buy VigRX?

VigRX Plus can be found in three places.

Leading Edge Health: You can purchase the supplement from their official website. You can get even more deals and a guarantee of 100% satisfaction when you buy from them.

Walmart: Your local Walmart also carries VigRX. They also offer 2-day delivery service as well as a 90-day return policy. Customers can also return defective or damaged products to Walmart.

Newegg: Customers can also enjoy free shipping when they get their supplement from this store.

I Would Like to Buy VigRX, But I Don’t Want Anyone Else To See It.

When you purchase from an official manufacturer, there are privacy considerations.

You can be rest assured that your delivery will be kept secret when you buy VigRX. The package has no identifying features along with the outside of the package. Bear in mind that these defenses cannot defend from porch pirates.

Viagra Bangladesh.

For men, sexual intimacy is one the greatest pleasures of being a human being.

Sometimes sex can become a chore due to the fast pace of modern life. Whether it’s time or energy, or just an overall unhealthy diet, this lack of sex might lead to a dry spell. It might lead to a loss of intimacy.

And then there are the times when you are finally in the mood for some fun. You have already set the time. You made the day extra special by planning ahead. Everything is ready. You are sure to have a good time, but then when it comes for Little Richard to take the stage….

……Nothing. It seems like all Little Richard wants to do is to stay in Lake Flaccid.

While it might sound sad and embarrassing, it does happen from time to time. Perhaps it’s just nerves. Maybe it is the lack of rest.

No matter the reason, this does not mean that you should just leave the issue, lying down (pun intended). You must get better.

Better is a better word to describe a natural product that can help you get better sleep. VigRX Plus might be able help you with this, my friends.

For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from Innerbody Research’s YouTube channel. To get a comprehensive overview of VigRX, you may still want to check out our article below.

VigRX Plus Viagra Bangladesh.

VigRX Plus is an all-natural male enhancement supplement. It is highly-regarded and among the first names you’ll see whenever you search for men enhancing supplements.

Simply put, there are a lot of men running to VigRX Plus whenever they need help.

And they have been helping men since 2001. This is more than 21 years!

VigRx Plus comes from Leading Edge Health, who also brought you GenF20. As with that product, you will be sure that the VigRX Plus will be effective, efficient, and all-natural.

VigRX Plus is a male enhancement product that can make you work harder and stay in bed longer. It would be easy to believe that your little soldier could “do this all the time”. Viagra Bangladesh.

The Benefits of VigRX Plus.

As an all-natural male enhancement supplement, it has been in the market for more than 20 years. VigRx Plus’s effects have only improved over time. It would have been off the market for a long time now.

VigRX Plus’ formulation helps and improves on many aspects of the male sexual health. Many customers have experienced an increase in testosterone and improved blood circulation to their sexual organs.

These very same customers also reported a reduction in stress and higher self-confidence. These effects can lead to a better performance at bed. People who have used VigRX Plus reported having stronger erections, more energy, and higher libido.

While it isn’t as fast and effective as prescription medication, it is a less harsher medication than the prescription drugs in the market. VigRX Plus may take some time before the body is able to absorb enough to begin seeing results.

This means that users are less likely to experience side effects. It has not been reported that users have experienced withdrawal from VigRX Plus. Men who have paused their use of VigRX Plus for any reason did not experience any decline in their sexual health.


Transparency is key whenever we talk about sexual-performance-enhancing supplements. This applies to their ingredients. A product with something to hide should be avoided. This is a sad truth. Not all supplement products follow this principle.

VigRX Plus does not hide their ingredients. They are transparent about what ingredients they use in their products. They know exactly what they are putting into your body. This information is vital as it allows users the ability to research and study.

Most of the ingredients found in the formulation of this supplement are well known ingredients that are known to boost libido. Viagra Bangladesh.

Epimedium Leaf Extract.

Aptly named “horny goat weed,” this ingredient is used in many male sexual enhancements supplements. Icinarine is the main component. Flavonoids are compounds that enhance erection in men’s sexual organs. It is particularly effective for older men.

Icariin also helps transport nitric dioxide in the body. Nitric oxide is another substance that is important for these supplements as it is known to improve blood flow into the penis. Less of it means less healthy erections. This is why most ED medications focus on this substance..

Asian Red Ginseng.

The ingredient known as Korean Red Ginseng, or Asian Red Ginseng, increases alertness. Studies have also shown that this ginseng can help with erectile dysfunction. Even men without ED can still get the benefits of a better and harder erection from this.

Apart from this, asian red Ginseng has been shown to increase nitric oxide, which is a benefit we have already discussed. Furthermore, it also helps protect blood vessels and tissue from oxidative stress.

It’s no wonder that this ingredient has been used as an aphrodisiac in ancient China.


This ingredient is made from common black pepper. Bioperine increases metabolism and helps the body absorb more nutrients. The body functions better as a result.

VigRX Plus means a 30% increase in effectiveness.

Muira Puama Bark Extract.

This plant is from Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest. Studies have shown that the bark has an ability to treat sexual disorders. It has many other medicinal properties.

Bark also has the ability to improve immunity levels.

Hawthorn Berry.

Vasodilators are foods or substances that when consumed enough times, will help widen the blood vessels. Hawthorn berry is one of these so-called vasodilators. However, people either don’t like the taste of the berry or they don’t consume enough to experience its effects.

Since blood flow, especially through the penis, is key to having a positive sexual health, it was a no brainer to include this ingredient pr at least itsl in the VigRX. Overall, it is an ingredient that helps improve blood flow in the heart, and then to all the other body parts.

Ginkgo Biloba, another product from ancient China, is also available. It also works in the same way as most ingredients found in the VigRX Plus. This ingredient can also improve blood flow throughout the body. It supports a healthy nervous system and brain.

In terms of sexual health, the increase of blood flow means longer time your penis can stay hard, for longer. This can also lead to a more difficult erection.

Catuaba Bark Extract.

Catuaba Bark Extract was also extracted from native plants of Brazil and Peru. Viagra Bangladesh.

Lately, this bark extract has been in the eyes of researches due its effect on increasing sexual perfromance. There are also some evidence that suggest it heightens sexual arousal, therefore improving sex.

Lastly, the Catuaba Bark Extract also contains alkaloids that help remove exhaustion and anxiety as well as make the body relax.

Saw Palmetto.

Is another ingredient that originates from Latin America. This time, Saw Palmetto has two functions. First is that it is a well-known testosterone booster in the body. This works especially well in older men and those with lower testosterone levels.

Second, it also promotes the active absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. THis allows you to be sure of a healthy nutrient-hormone balance in the body.

How Does VigRx Plus Work?

You will feel less anxious Increased blood flow Healthier nervous system Hormonal Balance.

These are just a few of the things that directly relate to sexual performance.

VigRX is carefully formulated in order to achieve these factors. These factors were achieved by using only the finest natural ingredients.

Orally taken, the formulation starts to work by providing the body with the necessary stuff to naturally increase testosterone production.

Because the ingredients do different things, supplement approaches can be taken from multiple angles.

This can be achieved by increasing sexual drive and arousal. This is thanks to the different aphrodisias that are found in some of VigRX’s ingredients.

Many of VIgRX’s ingredients also contain antioxidants. These ingredients work together to help reduce fatigue, while also increasing energy and stamina.

Some ingredients are also said to improve cognition and can serve as protection for the nerves found in the body.

The supplement also regulates blood flow to the penis. Ingredients such as icariin increase the transport of Nitric Oxide to the blood that goes to the penis. This results in more enduring and stronger erections.

The same Nitric Ox also relaxes the muscle tissue of the penis. The tissue can then accommodate more blood when the next erection comes.

This is so strong of an effect that some men may even think that their penis got bigger, when in fact nothing of the sort is happening. Afterall, VigRX is not a penis enlargement supplement.


Like with most medicines, check with your doctor if it is safe for you to include VigRX Plus in your diet. To minimize side effects, the manufacturers used all-natural ingredients and formulated VigRX Plus with no artificial ingredients. Viagra Bangladesh.

There is still the possibility that VigRX ingredients could react with your current medications. This reaction could be bad for you. This could even make your life more difficult. So whenever the doctor asks, be honest with all your current medications.

For best effects, it is recommended that VigRX should be taken two times per day. Some people increase the dosage to three tablets per day. This is acceptable.

You could be at risk of overdosing if you take four tablets in a 24-hour period.

Warning: Taking VigRX along with prescribed ED medication can also lead to overdose.

VIgRX comes in five options. These plans can offer more value than the average plan.

Single pack – $69.95 Duo bundle – $129.95 Three pack – $179.95 6-month bundle $329.95 12-month bundle $580.95.

VigRX Plus Plus comes in 60-tablet boxes.

Pros and Cons.

It has an all-natural ingredient that minimizes the chances of negative side effects It offers larger and harder erections This gives you more control over your erections It increases libido It enhances your performance in bed It increases confidence It provides powerful and satisfying orgasms.

Some ingredients may react adversely to medications that the user is taking. This is usually true for people on blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, some antidepressants, among others. It is slower than the majority of doctor-prescribed ED medication when used for ED treatment.


Although I haven’t tried VigRX Plus myself, there are many internet testimonials that support the effectiveness of VigRX Plus. Sure, you can say that it is very easy to fake such reviews.

However, I also have friends who did try the supplement and they swear by it. Some have bragged about how long they lasted. Keep in mind, however, that not all of these men have given up on their sex lives.

That said, this change is not instantaneous and it took a few months of taking the meds to notice any effects.

Side effects are not a concern. It did vary from person to person. There were no severe side effects.

Most Frequently Asked Questions Viagra Bangladesh.

When will I see results?

Like most medications, different people will react to VigRX Plus formulation at different rates. This rate can be affected by age. People with near normal testosterone levels may notice the effects longer than those who have lower testosterone levels for example.

How Many Times a Day Should I Take this Supplement?

The suggested daily dose is two tablets.

Take the recommended dosage for best results. You can take them either separately or together. Some may take three tablets. However, there is a warning to not take four tablets within 24 hours.

Where Can I Buy VigRX?

VigRX Plus can be found in three places.

Leading Edge Health: You can purchase the supplement from their official website. You can get even more deals and a guarantee of 100% satisfaction when you buy from them.

Walmart: Your local Walmart also carries VigRX. They also offer 2-day delivery service as well as a 90-day return policy. Customers can also return defective or damaged products to Walmart.

Newegg: Customers can also enjoy free shipping when they get their supplement from this store.

I Would Like to Buy VigRX, But I Don’t Want Anyone Else To See It.

When you purchase from an official manufacturer, there are privacy considerations.

You can be rest assured that your delivery will be kept secret when you buy VigRX. The package has no identifying features along with the outside of the package. Bear in mind that these defenses cannot defend from porch pirates.

Viagra Bangladesh.

For men, sexual intimacy is one the greatest pleasures of being a human being.

Sometimes sex can become a chore due to the fast pace of modern life. Whether it’s time or energy, or just an overall unhealthy diet, this lack of sex might lead to a dry spell. It might lead to a loss of intimacy.

And then there are the times when you are finally in the mood for some fun. You have already set the time. You made the day extra special by planning ahead. Everything is ready. You are sure to have a good time, but then when it comes for Little Richard to take the stage….

……Nothing. It seems like all Little Richard wants to do is to stay in Lake Flaccid.

While it might sound sad and embarrassing, it does happen from time to time. Perhaps it’s just nerves. Maybe it is the lack of rest.

No matter the reason, this does not mean that you should just leave the issue, lying down (pun intended). You must get better.

Better is a better word to describe a natural product that can help you get better sleep. VigRX Plus might be able help you with this, my friends.

For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from Innerbody Research’s YouTube channel. To get a comprehensive overview of VigRX, you may still want to check out our article below.

VigRX Plus Viagra Bangladesh.

VigRX Plus is an all-natural male enhancement supplement. It is highly-regarded and among the first names you’ll see whenever you search for men enhancing supplements.

Simply put, there are a lot of men running to VigRX Plus whenever they need help.

And they have been helping men since 2001. This is more than 21 years!

VigRx Plus comes from Leading Edge Health, who also brought you GenF20. As with that product, you will be sure that the VigRX Plus will be effective, efficient, and all-natural.

VigRX Plus is a male enhancement product that can make you work harder and stay in bed longer. It would be easy to believe that your little soldier could “do this all the time”. Viagra Bangladesh.

The Benefits of VigRX Plus.

As an all-natural male enhancement supplement, it has been in the market for more than 20 years. VigRx Plus’s effects have only improved over time. It would have been off the market for a long time now.

VigRX Plus’ formulation helps and improves on many aspects of the male sexual health. Many customers have experienced an increase in testosterone and improved blood circulation to their sexual organs.

These very same customers also reported a reduction in stress and higher self-confidence. These effects can lead to a better performance at bed. People who have used VigRX Plus reported having stronger erections, more energy, and higher libido.

While it isn’t as fast and effective as prescription medication, it is a less harsher medication than the prescription drugs in the market. VigRX Plus may take some time before the body is able to absorb enough to begin seeing results.

This means that users are less likely to experience side effects. It has not been reported that users have experienced withdrawal from VigRX Plus. Men who have paused their use of VigRX Plus for any reason did not experience any decline in their sexual health.


Transparency is key whenever we talk about sexual-performance-enhancing supplements. This applies to their ingredients. A product with something to hide should be avoided. This is a sad truth. Not all supplement products follow this principle.

VigRX Plus does not hide their ingredients. They are transparent about what ingredients they use in their products. They know exactly what they are putting into your body. This information is vital as it allows users the ability to research and study.

Most of the ingredients found in the formulation of this supplement are well known ingredients that are known to boost libido. Viagra Bangladesh.

Epimedium Leaf Extract.

Aptly named “horny goat weed,” this ingredient is used in many male sexual enhancements supplements. Icinarine is the main component. Flavonoids are compounds that enhance erection in men’s sexual organs. It is particularly effective for older men.

Icariin also helps transport nitric dioxide in the body. Nitric oxide is another substance that is important for these supplements as it is known to improve blood flow into the penis. Less of it means less healthy erections. This is why most ED medications focus on this substance..

Asian Red Ginseng.

The ingredient known as Korean Red Ginseng, or Asian Red Ginseng, increases alertness. Studies have also shown that this ginseng can help with erectile dysfunction. Even men without ED can still get the benefits of a better and harder erection from this.

Apart from this, asian red Ginseng has been shown to increase nitric oxide, which is a benefit we have already discussed. Furthermore, it also helps protect blood vessels and tissue from oxidative stress.

It’s no wonder that this ingredient has been used as an aphrodisiac in ancient China.


This ingredient is made from common black pepper. Bioperine increases metabolism and helps the body absorb more nutrients. The body functions better as a result.

VigRX Plus means a 30% increase in effectiveness.

Muira Puama Bark Extract.

This plant is from Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest. Studies have shown that the bark has an ability to treat sexual disorders. It has many other medicinal properties.

Bark also has the ability to improve immunity levels.

Hawthorn Berry.

Vasodilators are foods or substances that when consumed enough times, will help widen the blood vessels. Hawthorn berry is one of these so-called vasodilators. However, people either don’t like the taste of the berry or they don’t consume enough to experience its effects.

Since blood flow, especially through the penis, is key to having a positive sexual health, it was a no brainer to include this ingredient pr at least itsl in the VigRX. Overall, it is an ingredient that helps improve blood flow in the heart, and then to all the other body parts.

Ginkgo Biloba, another product from ancient China, is also available. It also works in the same way as most ingredients found in the VigRX Plus. This ingredient can also improve blood flow throughout the body. It supports a healthy nervous system and brain.

In terms of sexual health, the increase of blood flow means longer time your penis can stay hard, for longer. This can also lead to a more difficult erection.

Catuaba Bark Extract.

Catuaba Bark Extract was also extracted from native plants of Brazil and Peru. Viagra Bangladesh.

Lately, this bark extract has been in the eyes of researches due its effect on increasing sexual perfromance. There are also some evidence that suggest it heightens sexual arousal, therefore improving sex.

Lastly, the Catuaba Bark Extract also contains alkaloids that help remove exhaustion and anxiety as well as make the body relax.

Saw Palmetto.

Is another ingredient that originates from Latin America. This time, Saw Palmetto has two functions. First is that it is a well-known testosterone booster in the body. This works especially well in older men and those with lower testosterone levels.

Second, it also promotes the active absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. THis allows you to be sure of a healthy nutrient-hormone balance in the body.

How Does VigRx Plus Work?

You will feel less anxious Increased blood flow Healthier nervous system Hormonal Balance.

These are just a few of the things that directly relate to sexual performance.

VigRX is carefully formulated in order to achieve these factors. These factors were achieved by using only the finest natural ingredients.

Orally taken, the formulation starts to work by providing the body with the necessary stuff to naturally increase testosterone production.

Because the ingredients do different things, supplement approaches can be taken from multiple angles.

This can be achieved by increasing sexual drive and arousal. This is thanks to the different aphrodisias that are found in some of VigRX’s ingredients.

Many of VIgRX’s ingredients also contain antioxidants. These ingredients work together to help reduce fatigue, while also increasing energy and stamina.

Some ingredients are also said to improve cognition and can serve as protection for the nerves found in the body.

The supplement also regulates blood flow to the penis. Ingredients such as icariin increase the transport of Nitric Oxide to the blood that goes to the penis. This results in more enduring and stronger erections.

The same Nitric Ox also relaxes the muscle tissue of the penis. The tissue can then accommodate more blood when the next erection comes.

This is so strong of an effect that some men may even think that their penis got bigger, when in fact nothing of the sort is happening. Afterall, VigRX is not a penis enlargement supplement.


Like with most medicines, check with your doctor if it is safe for you to include VigRX Plus in your diet. To minimize side effects, the manufacturers used all-natural ingredients and formulated VigRX Plus with no artificial ingredients. Viagra Bangladesh.

There is still the possibility that VigRX ingredients could react with your current medications. This reaction could be bad for you. This could even make your life more difficult. So whenever the doctor asks, be honest with all your current medications.

For best effects, it is recommended that VigRX should be taken two times per day. Some people increase the dosage to three tablets per day. This is acceptable.

You could be at risk of overdosing if you take four tablets in a 24-hour period.

Warning: Taking VigRX along with prescribed ED medication can also lead to overdose.

VIgRX comes in five options. These plans can offer more value than the average plan.

Single pack – $69.95 Duo bundle – $129.95 Three pack – $179.95 6-month bundle $329.95 12-month bundle $580.95.

VigRX Plus Plus comes in 60-tablet boxes.

Pros and Cons.

It has an all-natural ingredient that minimizes the chances of negative side effects It offers larger and harder erections This gives you more control over your erections It increases libido It enhances your performance in bed It increases confidence It provides powerful and satisfying orgasms.

Some ingredients may react adversely to medications that the user is taking. This is usually true for people on blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, some antidepressants, among others. It is slower than the majority of doctor-prescribed ED medication when used for ED treatment.


Although I haven’t tried VigRX Plus myself, there are many internet testimonials that support the effectiveness of VigRX Plus. Sure, you can say that it is very easy to fake such reviews.

However, I also have friends who did try the supplement and they swear by it. Some have bragged about how long they lasted. Keep in mind, however, that not all of these men have given up on their sex lives.

That said, this change is not instantaneous and it took a few months of taking the meds to notice any effects.

Side effects are not a concern. It did vary from person to person. There were no severe side effects.

Most Frequently Asked Questions Viagra Bangladesh.

When will I see results?

Like most medications, different people will react to VigRX Plus formulation at different rates. This rate can be affected by age. People with near normal testosterone levels may notice the effects longer than those who have lower testosterone levels for example.

How Many Times a Day Should I Take this Supplement?

The suggested daily dose is two tablets.

Take the recommended dosage for best results. You can take them either separately or together. Some may take three tablets. However, there is a warning to not take four tablets within 24 hours.

Where Can I Buy VigRX?

VigRX Plus can be found in three places.

Leading Edge Health: You can purchase the supplement from their official website. You can get even more deals and a guarantee of 100% satisfaction when you buy from them.

Walmart: Your local Walmart also carries VigRX. They also offer 2-day delivery service as well as a 90-day return policy. Customers can also return defective or damaged products to Walmart.

Newegg: Customers can also enjoy free shipping when they get their supplement from this store.

I Would Like to Buy VigRX, But I Don’t Want Anyone Else To See It.

When you purchase from an official manufacturer, there are privacy considerations.

You can be rest assured that your delivery will be kept secret when you buy VigRX. The package has no identifying features along with the outside of the package. Bear in mind that these defenses cannot defend from porch pirates.

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