
Viagra costa rica

Viagra costa rica.

Pharmacies in Costa Rica are known as 'farmacias' and are found in virtually every populated area. There are a few nation wide chains, but mostly there are smaller mom & pop type stores the feature personalized care. They are all very well stocked and offer a variety of products other than over the counter drugs such as baby formula, deodorant, shampoos, vitamins, diapers etc. Pharmacies in Costa Rica operate primarily the same as they do in other places, with this notable exceptions.

One thing that may shock most people is that people do not need a prescription for many drugs that you would in North America. Antibiotics, narcotics, or psychotropic drugs are VERY closely controlled and you will need a prescription, but you can obtain birth control, Viagra, and even injections right over the counter without one.

And pharmacists are also considered doctors-lite in Costa Rica. If you go to your neighborhood pharmacist, whom you are usually on a first name basis with, and simply describe your symptoms, they will draw on their extensive training and recommend a treatment for you, and often administer the needed drug right there. Local Pharmacists are registered and qualified through the Colegio de Farmaceticos and are trained to know the difference between an 'ailment' and a serious medical condition that requires a certified doctor's attention.

Prices for prescriptions are significantly less than in North America. With some drugs individuals can get an additional discount for returning the original box like for Lipotor or Viagra. Also, you are able to buy individual pills so you don't have to buy a whole box which might be 10 times more than you need.

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